The National Council for the Protection of the Child
A National Council for Child Protection with consultative and coordination functions is established at the State Agency for Child Protection, which includes representatives of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Education and Science,the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Youth and Sports, The National Agency for Social Assistance, the National Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the National Drug Council, the National Statistics Institute, the National Social Security Institute, the Central Commission for Combating Juvenile Delinquency and the National Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria, as well and non-profit legal entities that have a child protection activity.
The Council is a body with the State Agency for Child Protection with advisory and coordinating functions. The Council carries out its activities in accordance with the provisions of the Child Protection Act and these Rules.
(2) The Council:
1. Consults the Chairperson of the State Agency for Child Protection in the development and implementation of the National Strategy for the Child and the National Program for Child Protection, the program policy of the Agency and the synchronization of the normative regulation of child protection; propose, discuss and coordinate the strategic priorities of the state policy for child protection and coordinate their financial provision;
3. Gives preliminary opinion on the drafts of normative acts containing provisions related to the children's rights before their submission to the Council of Ministers;
4. Shall support the cooperation with the non-profit legal entities for the formation and implementation of the state policy on child protection;
5. Monitors and makes proposals for changes in the objectives and activities for the implementation of national, regional and international programs in the area of child protection in line with the priorities and programs of the European Union.
(3) The National Council for the Protection of the Child shall organize and carry out the activities defined in para. 2 tasks on the basis of an annual work program adopted by it.
(4) The Council shall cooperate with national and international bodies and organizations for the protection of children and the protection of their rights.